Reinvent Your Life, Career & Business

6-Week Online Program


Our Next Program Starts Soon!

Have YOU recently shut down your business or lost your job and are looking for a career change where you’re more in control?
Has YOUR industry been severely impacted and you need to find out how to revive yourself in the new economy?
Have YOU hit a glass ceiling with your income and want to make the kind of money you deserve?
Are YOU burnt out working long hours and looking for a smarter way to get ahead?
Are YOU struggling with technology, feel like a business dinosaur & need to quickly adapt in a shifting environment?
Do YOU feel you lack true purpose and direction and need a roadmap on how to identify your inner genius?
If you have answered YES to ANY of these questions and DO NOT take steps to address them, then you run the risk of playing ‘rinse and repeat’ and making the same mistakes over and over again. You will find yourself stuck in a perpetual cycle making the problem worse over time.

Insanity is doing the same thing over

and over again and expecting different results.”


Albert Einstein


BUT WHAT IF you could change your businesschange your lifechange your income?

WHAT IF you could change your circumstances and reinvent your life?



Reinvent Your Life, Career & Business

6-Week Online Program




(Amount is in USD and includes tax)




(Amount is in USD and includes tax)







Look at your individual blueprint, to understand how you should be living. Then dig deep into your true higher values to reach your born purpose, unlock your inner genius and step into unlimited abundance!


Wipe the slate clean from the past and map out a clear plan to achieve your career goals. Be conscious of the do’s and don'ts to successfully implement this plan and ultimately reach your goals!


Work smarter not harder, leveraging your time better so that you can achieve more with less. Understand the value of systems, technology and people, to create the right environment to thrive!



This foundation week will get YOU to dig deep and look closely at your ENERGETICS to better understand WHO you are today and more importantly WHY you are the way you are. As the CEO of your life, You are 100% responsible for the results you achieve. You will be asking yourself all the hidden questions that most coaches and experts forget to ask to gain clarity to set your Vision for the future.


This week is all about CLEARING the old energy and thoughts of the past to make way for new energy and thoughts for the future. You will identify your conditioning that is stopping you reaching your goals and dream lifestyle. You will explore your Fear Gates and get to know your Triggers. We will show you how to re-engineer your Limiting Beliefs into powerful and empowering beliefs.


Putting a PLAN in place will be critical for you to start achieving your goals. This week will see you design your very own Vision board so that you can enable all of your senses to internalise what it is your desire and Energetically guide you towards achieving this outcome. You will discover a foolproof strategy to align and map your Vision and Goals into a manageable and sustainable action plan.


This week is all about putting your plan into ACTION. You will identify all the Speedbumps you can expect to derail you along your journey and how to Mitigate the Risks, avoid the pitfalls and look for the sharp bends around the corner. You will explore the pros and cons of different business scenarios and pick the right business structure that aligns with your core Values so that you are Committed to following through


Explore the concept of LEVERAGE and how to make the most of your time by doing more with less. Learn how to harness the power of Systems, Technology and People to grow and scale your business. You will discover how every large business started off as a small business and finally understand the importance of prioritising your activities and using the secret principles that all successful businesses use to thrive.


The last week is dedicated to helping you create an ENVIRONMENT that will sustain you on your journey as you implement much of what you have learned. You will discover who to align yourself with, including having access to the right tools and resources and why this is imperative for success. This is by far one of the most important weeks as it helps you create the success environment in order for you to thrive into the future.

6-Week Online Program




(Amount is in USD and includes tax)




(Amount is in USD and includes tax)

This program is the FIRST of its kind worldwide, using completely new tools and techniques never been used before in the context of a business program.

In this program, we unpack the following:

HOW YOU GOT HERE and what to do to get SUCCESS in Life, Love, Money, and Work – We’ll help you bare everything, so you can see the true YOU, exposed.
RECOGNIZE YOUR TRIGGERS and learn how to TAKE BACK CONTROL – Get rid of the evil twin sitting on your shoulder screwing up your life
EXPOSE YOUR MATRIX and discover an opportunity to UNPLUG – Choose the

to Open your eyes & choose to live a life of Purpose

STOP FOLLOWING THE HERD and identify the correct method of DECISION MAKING for You as an individual – We’re all different, so stop listening to others opinions and be True to yourself
TOOLS & GUIDANCE to unlock your true WHY & PURPOSE – Stop wasting time and Identify your individual Blueprint that works only for You
REDUCE WASTED COST in your business by the use of SMART TECH TOOLS – No, your website should not cost you $20K to build
MOVE INTO FLOW ENERGY and discover the secret sauce of SUCCESS – You choose the Correct Path for you for your Longevity
DEVELOP YOUR SUPPORT NETWORK to GROW & SUSTAIN your lifestyle, career and business development – Without this, you have no real lifeline and will more than likely drown in a big dark sea
We are not here to use smoke and mirrors and regurgitate the same techniques others are doing. You can’t simply Google or look up YouTube to find this combination of balanced ADVANCED TOOLS for Life Success anywhere.

We play FULL ON and are unapologetic in our delivery and feedback because we want to help you BREAK THE PATTERNS holding you back.

Throughout this program, WE give permission back to YOU, so that YOU can finally TAKE CONTROL of your life, make the tough decisions, take the educated risks and make YOUR DREAMS a reality!



Employed or Self-employed but facing uncertainty around your future?
You’re not sure how much longer you can keep your business going or whether your job is going to survive, given current economic conditions? Develop a Plan B, that’s how! One that involves a business that affords you the flexibility to work your own hours and give you the lifestyle you’ve always wanted. Our 6-week online program will guide your focus over the next few weeks and months, to enable yourself to adapt and thrive.
Recently retrenched or had to shut down your business?
Losing your job or your business can be devastating for everyone concerned. What can you do to prevent yourself from being in such a vulnerable position again in the future? Start with shifting your energy and building an action plan to achieve your goals through aligning closely with your Human Design. Our 6-week online program will give you the exact steps to do this, within a safe and supportive community.
Freelancer struggling to make ends meet?
Are you a freelancer doing your best, but struggling at every turn to find new clients, balance your time and commitments and making ends meet? This is a great time to learn some secrets on how to Redesign Your Life & Business. Allowing yourself to do a major Reset will help you to get clear on your goals and dreams. Our 6-week online program will help you put a solid Plan together with the right accountability and support, so that you can start thriving in the new economy.
Looking for a change in careers?
If you are sick and tired of the same old routine, then doing the same thing and expecting a different result isn’t going to get you anywhere. This is an opportune time to forge a new path, begin a self-discovery quest, determine your true path by working on your Purpose and Vision and create business options that cater for your lifestyle, needs and career aspirations. Our 6-week online program will give you all the steps you need, to change your career path with confidence.
Feeling ungrounded, anxious and constantly on edge?
Are you overwhelmed, not able to be present, feeling disconnected from your body and soul, constantly distracted by everything happening around you, and always stressed, drained and exhausted, then it’s time to take a break and Revive! Learn how to Ground yourself so that you are free mentally and energetically, enabling you to move forward with ease and grace.  Our 6-week online program will teach you the power and specific techniques to get grounded fast, so you can get on with your
Unfulfilled and not feeling like you’re living your true purpose?
Are you busting your gut, burning the midnight oil and doing everything you can, yet are left feeling unfulfilled and not on purpose? Then stop chasing your tail! Once you identify and align your values and purpose energetically, a business idea that supports this will emerge as a result and will help you feel fulfilled. Our 6-week online program will guide you to create clear strategies to make this happen, to ensure that you are on purpose and remain on track.
Feeling stressed & burnt out?
If you feel the weight of the world is on your shoulders and are not coping well, then it’s time to look closely at your Individual Design to understand what is at play in your Energetics. Perhaps the type of work you are doing, or the career you are in is ill-suited to your design, which will cause constant burn-out. Our 6-week program will help you Reset your vision, Revive your life towards this new vision and Thrive like never before, in a supportive environment.
“Thank you Melina for your guidance over the past 12 months and keeping me accountable. The biggest takeaways for me from my Human Design reading was that I didn’t know why I knew about any topic, I just know. You identified the why and this has given me the utmost confidence in everything I do now. From this I entrust my new decision making process with everything I do. Also Melina highlighted that I am impatient with everything I do and I never knew why!  Now I know I just need to understand others don’t work at my pace and when it comes to relationships I need to take my time.”
Brent German

Professional Golf Instructor

“Human Design is astrology on steroids! And Melina has these steroids running through her veins to transmit the wisdom you need most to you! With her varied backgrounds, she brings all this wisdom together in a beautiful bundle to empower you to step into your alignment and MAGIC! Since having my reading with Melina, I have come in leaps and bounds and feel more myself than I have ever felt through living my design. She has a beautiful way of reading you and meeting you where you are at, to allow many deep truths to be revealed! This work is PHENOMENAL! I have encouraged a multitude of friends, family members and clients to check their human design – IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE!”
Lucy Forrest

Emotional Clearing Practitioner

“Thank you Gavin for all your guidance over the past 6-weeks. The program was a great introduction into what it takes to follow your passions and to break free from the daily grind of corporate life. It was really interesting to learn not only about ‘how’ we’re able to change our paths but also the ‘why’ by digging deep into the influence of personal belief systems that will hinder or facilitate our future goals. The program draws upon different sources which made it interesting and even challenged my current ways of thinking. Overall, this provided me with the kick-start I needed and I recommend it to anyone looking to get the ball rolling on their own career change.”
Veronica Flores

Consumer Services Professional

“The information and ideas that come from Gavin reveal a knowledgeable in-depth experience of helping business owners to be more and do more in achieving sustainable results. We can only give the best of admiration for the way that Gavin has taken the time and shared his business passion. It has helped our company find new markets to help sustain its ongoing growth.”
Marcus Dowling

Founder of Rising Connections



Founder and Managing Director

Sacred Potential

Speaker | Author | TV Host | Mentor | Facilitator | Personality Profiler

Melina is an Architect of Life. She teaches you HOW YOU GOT HERE and WHAT IS HOLDING YOU BACK from creating success in Life, Love, Money, Work and shifts you into FLOW energy.

Melina holds a Bachelor of Business with a double major in Marketing and Tourism from Swinburne University of Technology. She’s also completed the Business Mastery Program with Robbins Research International, the Business Blueprint Coaching Program with Dale Beaumont, Millionaire Mastermind with T. Harv Eker and Relationships By Design through the Quantum Alignment System.

She works with tools to do your personal SWOT Analysis and understand YOU and your Individual triggers better and activate your natural birthright to receive unlimited resources of abundance. Melina provides a recipe for you to make your individual remedy for success and will give you full permission to take educated risks and move into a state of JOY.


Founder and Managing Director

Break Free From Corporate

International Speaker | Author | Podcaster | Mentor | Facilitator
Having enjoyed a successful corporate career reaching senior management positions at tech giants IBM and Oracle, Gavin successfully transitioned to running his own businesses.
Gavin holds a Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Commerce with a double major in Accounting and Finance from the University of Sydney. He also has an Executive MBA from the Australian Graduate School of Management. Gavin has completed Unleash The Power Within Program with Robbins Research International, the Business Blueprint Coaching Program with Dale Beaumont and Millionaire Mastermind with T. Harv Eker.
Through overcoming many challenges, Gavin decided to share all the secrets he learned from several entrepreneurs and mentors, to empower others to do the same. Gavin will guide you with the practical steps you need to take as you start your own business and start living your dream lifestyle.
Melina and Gavin have a combined 50+ years experience both within the corporate arena and also having started and grown 16 businesses across a range of different industries, including but not limited to the following: Health, Wholesale, Manufacturing, Exhibitions, Photography, Business & Relationship Coaching, MLM, Renewable Energy and Technology. Together they have also worked for large corporations such as…
Both Melina and Gavin have extensive real world experience having done their time in the business trenches. They bring this combined experience together in perfect balance, combining their unique perspectives and strengths – Melina with her expertise in Human Design and behaviour profiling and Gavin with his expertise in helping new businesses start and grow.


Here’s what you get…


48 x Page Downloadable And Interactive Workbook


45+ Hours Comprehensive Video/Audio Based Training


7 x Weekly Recorded Q&A Live Feedback Calls


6 x Weekly Momentum Power Hacks


53 x Recommended Tech Tools & Productivity Apps


50 x Recommended Reading Across Key Life Spheres


Decision Making Breakthrough Experience


20 x Leading Business & Growth Book Summaries


2 x Meditation Recordings



22% OFF! Personalised Human Design Reading


11% OFF! Personalised Business Mentoring


6 x Month Access To Power Q&A Series Featuring Leading Experts


Exclusive Access To Our Facebook Community

6-Week Online Program




(Amount is in USD and includes tax)




(Amount is in USD and includes tax)

Join Our Community

Collaborate and share knowledge and ideas with other Like-minded people in a Safe space where everyone is on the same journey and doing the same online program. Have the opportunity to Connect with new people and Expand your Personal and Professional Network. You’ll be able to access information easily and online through your laptop, PC, tablet or mobile device.

48 x Page Downloadable And Interactive Workbook

Work through a carefully designed program with your own interactive workbook in PDF format, viewable on your computer or any portable device on the go. Allow yourself to gather your thoughts all in one place. Each week allows you to tailor the topic to your unique situation and experience and includes expert guidance from both Melina and Gavin through video and audio support. Have easy access to this information at your fingertips.

45+ Hours Comprehensive Video/Audio Based Training

Melina and Gavin have put together a detailed breakdown of every aspect of the program covering each and every week of the 6 weeks. This includes a high level overview by both Melina and Gavin and other experts, of each topic to help you grasp important concepts. Also included are detailed instructions on several exercises included in your workbook, so that you can internalise this information and work through this in your own time to take away key learnings and achieve breakthroughs!

Weekly Recorded Q&A Calls


Learn more when you access our Q&A weekly 90min sessions that were recorded live. Having the flexibility to listen to any of the recordings is invaluable, as you will learn additional techniques via live conversations with previous students.

6 x Weekly Momentum Power Hacks

During the 6-weeks we will shower YOU with so many handy hacks to get you back into the driver’s seat when it comes to Vision, Money, Energetics, Technology, Relationships, Health & Well-Being and much more. This will include unrivalled access to a range of resources, which include a comprehensive workbook, recommended reading and podcasts, technology hacks, and recommended Yoga and Meditation apps and much more! If we learn of something worthwhile sharing, YOU will be the first to know!

53 x Recommended Tech Tools & Productivity Apps

Melina and Gavin have shared 53 of the very best technology tools and productivity apps currently on the market. Most of these have been tried and tested and will help you save a significant amount of time and dramatically improve your productivity, which means you can do much more with less time. Check out the recommendations and work smarter not harder!

50 x Recommended Reading Across Key Life Spheres

Have 50 of the most highly recommended books, many of them best-sellers, to read in your spare time, across various key life spheres such as personal development, business, relationships, health and spirituality. Imagine where your life would be with the knowledge and wisdom you can access here. We understand this is not an exhaustive list and will continue to add to this. However, if you simply speed read one book per week, you will have enough reading to last you a full year!

Decision Making Breakthrough Experience

The traditional system has taught YOU the incorrect way to make decisions and it’s what has been holding you back from your success. Right now, you are making decisions either through your mind, or your emotions and quite frankly, its screwing things up! Melina will explain this in more detail as she guides you through a profound individualised method for decision making that will work specifically for YOU.

22% OFF! Personalised Human Design Reading

This reading goes in-depth into YOUR personalised chart. You will uncover a detailed analysis on how your Energetics work, how you Care, Fear and Love. We look at your business strengths, health and even enable you to discover your inner genius! You will walk away with your own manual full of Affirmations, writing assignments and a better understanding of what has been holding you back all these years. This reading is guaranteed to shift your reality into a higher Vibration and a more direct alignment to your Purpose.

11% OFF! Personalised Business Mentoring

Exclusive invitation to graduates of our 6-week program. Work 1:1 with Gavin as you work through your plan to escape the time-for-money rat race, grow your income to suit your lifestyle and experience a personal and financial freedom only the top 5% ever do. Discover simple self-discovery techniques that will awaken your passion and help you to dream BIG! Embrace powerful tools to grow your mindset, get rid of limiting beliefs and deploy winning strategies to grow any business that is aligned to your core values.

20 x Leading Business & Growth Book Summaries

We understand that time is a precious resource and most of us struggle to find enough hours in the day. As a bonus, we will be sharing with you 20 of the leading business and personal growth book summaries so that you can quickly and easily power through these and take away the key learnings you need to propel your life forward, in the direction that leads to your vision.

2 x Meditation Recordings

As another bonus, we will be giving you exclusive access to not 1 but 2  meditation recordings for you to bring yourself back into harmony and flow. As these are recordings, you can play these over and over again, whenever you like and make this a habit in your busy schedule, to set time and reset and revive your mind, body and spirit.

Access BONUS Power Q&A Series With Leading Experts

Have the opportunity to get insights from leading minds in our community. We will bring these Experts to you directly, so that YOU can immediately tap into their tips, techniques and strategies that will help propel you forward in life. Combined with what we teach you in our 6-week online program, you will discover advanced ways to Optimise your Health, to improve your Relationships, how to work Smarter in Business and many others.


The business landscape will NEVER be the same again. The only way to survive is to adapt and be ahead of the curve and it all starts with YOU making a decision.


6-Week Online Program




(Amount is in USD and includes tax)




(Amount is in USD and includes tax)



What Happens If I Can't Attend A Live Call?
Depending on where you live, the call might be morning, afternoon or night time. Calls will also be recorded and uploaded, so you can watch them in your own time if needed.
How Is This Program Conducted?
This is a LIVE 6-week program that is completed from your own home. Please see above “What’s Inside This Program” for a brief outline of each week.
What Will I Gain From This Program?
You will gain a unique understanding of your human design makeup and energetic programming. You’ll develop an action plan for well thought out business strategies to help you achieve your goals.
How Advanced Is This Program?
Much of what you will learn here is NOT available online. We explore the deepest currents of your design… mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically and energetically. We help you tailor an action plan to transform YOUR life, through business… step by step.
What Happens After I Purchase?
You will receive a video welcoming you into the program, as well as an email outlining the flow from start to finish.
How Is This Program Different From Others In The Market?
Our unique 6-week program delves deep into understanding your Genetic Blueprint and unveiling exactly WHY you behave the way you do. Building upon this, and following a Proven Success Formula, we guide you in developing a Holistic balance between Life and Business… that is Sustainable.
Who can become an Affiliate?
We encourage ALL our members to become Affiliates after they experience firsthand the life-changing benefits from doing this program. However, if you believe you are a good fit with our message, we welcome you apply by simply clicking on the Affiliates menu tab.
How can I contact you if I have any questions?

Please feel free to send us an email to


Join The Movement!

Make YOUR next 6 weeks truly transformational and life changing.

Your Time Begins NOW!



6-Week Online Program




(Amount is in USD and includes tax)




(Amount is in USD and includes tax)